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Work With Me

If you term yourself a "busy mama", you're in the right place. Maybe you have a few little ones running around, you're working (in or out of your home!), you're driving from town to town carting everyone to extra-curricular activities, you're cooking, cleaning, re-cleaning, shuffling everyone to appointments, trying to exercise, read (wait, who has time for reading??), trying to keep in touch with family and friends, ALL THE THINGS... right?!? I'm just exhausted typing that!

I support clients through my 12-week coaching program called Mindful Mama Method that covers all things time, self-care, and relationships... the three key areas in which moms can lean into in order to become a happier, healthier, more confident mom.


Let's connect on a free, 30-minute call and see if my program is exactly what you need in your life RIGHT NOW.

Trish Kuebel, Life Coach for Busy Moms

1:1 Life Coaching
Free call

Free Consultation

45 minute Zoom session
Risk-free; no obligation to purchase a coaching package!

1:1 Life Coaching

3-Month Package

1 hour Zoom session
12 sessions total

Trish Kuebel, Life Coach for Busy Moms

Your Time Invested

3 months

12, weekly 1:1 coaching sessions

60 minutes/session

**Between coaching sessions, you will have unlimited coaching support using the app Telegram. 

Trish Kuebel, Life Coach for Busy Moms

What to Expect

In one week, you will understand what is creating the results in your life.

In two weeks, you will begin noticing what you are thinking out of habit.

In one month, you will begin thinking intentionally.

In two months, you will start making decisions in your life that support YOU.

In three months, you'll marvel at YOUR forward progress, your wanted results... and you'll WANT to keep going.

I help you to:

Optimize your self care

Optimize your relationships

Optimize your time

Optimize the life you DESIRE!

Trish Kuebel, Life Coach for Busy Moms

Financial Investment


*Monthly payment options available!

Does any of this sound familiar?


You are struggling in your relationship or marriage. You and your partner are constantly arguing and not seeing eye-to-eye. You don't feel seen like you used to. You feel like you are pulling the weight of the relationship. You're not sure what step to take next.


You loved your job, and now you are second guessing if this is what you truly want to do forever. It's hard to give your best at work when you don't feel that drive anymore. You feel ready for a change, but you also feel scared that leaving your job could be a mistake. You're not sure what step to take next.


What's self-care? You have fallen into the trap of serving everyone else but yourself. You feel bad for spending time or money on yourself because your time and money could be used elsewhere. You have no idea who you are and what you need. You feel lost. You're not sure what step tp take next.


You have this incredible family, but you feel like you're "Mommy-ing" wrong. You yell. You feed your kids junk. You let screen time run the house. You feel like there's a parenting secret, but you haven't figured it out yet. You're not sure what step to take next.


You have this idea. This spark. This desire to do something new. And then you find yourself thinking, "Am I even capable of this?" You find yourself spinning in excitement and fear. In the end, fear always wins. You're not sure what step to take next.

The Unknown

You don't even know where to begin. Everything in your life just feels off. Some days you're happy, some days you're miserable. You feel stuck in a cycle and you can't break free from it. You're not sure what step to take next.

My message to you, mama.

Write your title here. Click to edit.

You, mama.


You are worth investing in.


You are worth the time.


You are worth the money.


Think about the last time you invested in you.


How were you feeling before the investment?


Worried… afraid… guilty… 


How did you feel after the investment?


Fulfilled… thankful… successful…


So often, clients express to me that investing in themselves is hard because of the time and energy that it takes to care for their families.


Time is limited.


Money is limited.


ENERGY is limited.


I get it. I also believed the SAME thoughts. 


And then I invested in myself and everything changed.


I decided to invest in ME. I decided to invest in my BRAIN.


And I’m so glad I did.


That investment was life-changing, not only for me, but for my family.


I had NO IDEA how everything was going to turn out. I had to trust that I knew exactly what I needed… and that was REALLY hard! 


I had to BELIEVE that my investment was worth it before I even saw results from it.


And in the end, my ROI, my return on investment, has been more than I could have ever imagined.


Literally life-changing.


And this is all because I said “yes” to investing in me.



Trish Kuebel, Life Coach for Busy Moms

Download your FREE workbook

This workbook is a great starting point to getting clear on your thoughts about time, self-care, and relationships! Enjoy!

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